Saturday 6 February 2010


As we looked out over the beach she said ‘I wish that we were
in the sky’

I said ‘like moons? Just you and I?
She said ‘Well, she could be there too, you know I’m not the
jealous type’

I said


If I were the moon
And you were the moon
And she was the moon
Then there would be too many moons


The sea would go all weird and a...ll the fish would die

She said ‘I don’t think I want to see you anymore’

It was understandable – I wouldn’t want all those deaths on
my conscience

And just think of the jellyfish

Poor spineless bastards, things are hard enough for
them as it is.


Anonymous said...

I love your blog, it's the only thing i feel like almost understand

Hold Hands And It Will Happen Anyway said...

Thanks, it's always lovely to read something like that. I'll try and upload a little more soon.